Here I am with another blog post. Yes, I am enjoying this A LOT.
My inner desires to be a writer is being filled tremendously. And when I tell you I dig this, I really really do. Just imagine me looking at you, wide eyes, convincing you that I really really like this that it's almost awkward and uncomfortable. :) lol
Instagram and #throwbackthursday is what inspired this post. I figured this is a much better way and I am right! :)
So, What happened to me in the last weeks of December of 2013? Let's say our Brand-New Company Car has about 5000 miles after all of this is over. We did a lot of driving.. So-so-so-so much fun.. -NOT! My husband is such a trooper for driving like a trucker hauling us all the way to Florida!

FLORIDA. My Home away from home. I left my heart and soul in Florida. It's the first taste of america I had. When they say you never forget your first time. I think that sums up how I feel about it. And it helps that my husband is a legit Floridian. When all the 'Southerners' in the neighboring states says, "There's no true southeners' in florida anymore" Yes, I am talking to you Trace Adkins. WELL you're wrong! Because my husband IS.
So we drove all day and all night and made pit stops to see family in several states. It was fun but very exhausting. McDonald's and I have never been closer. You can see more of me on Instagram just search feebysworld I think I have filmed quite a few pit stops on there.

And 2 long days later we made it to Florida! Our 1st stomping ground. Mom & Dad's house. Or the mansion that has so much food you will never get hungry. These are two youngster ages 72 and 80 that has about 4 refrigerators and food stashes in every cabinets(that is not even an exaggeration). I loved being able to just talk and eat all week. Just a good family bonding. But since I have a toddler that is 22months old. It was quite challenging for it is not a daycare. And all she could touch, she touched. And all she could carry, she carried. It was paranoia at it's finest.

The supposed last 2 weeks was cut short by my indecisive husband into a whopping 9 days. We arrived close to mid-night and my daughter had the shock of her life. Let's just say she has never been around big dogs that she was aware of. She does know what they are but hasn't quite figure out what they are. So she got herself comfortable and before you know it. This huge big dog is coming at her for a hi and boy oh boy the scream that she has let out has the combination of I am going to die and No one is helping me. It was Agonizing. That happened again over the course of the week with both dogs coming in each direction to say hi and a few more times. It wasn't a big deal. But we just woke up one day and there she was petting them with a huge smile on her face. Then the next morning started with him accidentally putting salt instead of sugar in our coffee. That was funny.

The remainder of our stay is not so exciting. Daughter had a terrible flu and on the third day we found out she has double ear infection on top of it. I wasn't feeling good myself. But as soon as we got the medicine we needed we felt like ourselves again! I will put the Christmas post soon either here or YT.
Stay tuned for the video summary of our vacation on YT. :)
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