Today I dared myself in the cold to get a snapshot of this beautiful winter wonderland. It's my second winter here in the US and so far I've only been out twice. HAHA! I froze my bums off but it's worth it. Stay warm feebers experiencing this cold today. And oh!, I am going to give you an ootd(outfit of the day) post but I save those for instagram. #OOTD follow me!

Tonight's dinner is some of my favorite dishes to make for my family. This obssession began after having my first buffalo chicken wings down south, located in the senior citizens bar where my in-laws used to take me for karaoke, I just had this longing to taste/ re-create that extra crispy/extra spicy wings!
I've tried hooters and buffalo wild wings to get my fix but it just wasn't cutting it. So, one day I told my husband, You know what? I can make that better. And I did!
So, What is the secret?! Simple. TRIPLE FRY.
- Liquid and oil don't mix so the 1st fry takes care of that. You'll notice it's a little soggy and don't crisp up much. Be extra careful picking those fries up for it might fall apart on you. A minimum of 3minutes and pull those up and wait five minutes. Pls. do not over crowd the pan.
- I call this the cooking stage. Fry a little longer until fries or chicken crisp up.
- Lastly, the extra mile. It crisp up the skin of the wings and the outer part of the fries even more for a crunchy crunch bite. You guess and pull them out precisely to your own liking. Be sure to soak oil up in paper towels! :)

Fried food isn't the ideal meal but I think in moderation and proper portion it's alright. I cooked 4 chicken legs and cut them into two. We both had 4 each and give the little one a bite here and there. It's a little spicy so we make sure to give her the inner parts of it.
And don't worry about us not having enough green on the table. I make a green juice consist of 1 cup spinach 1/2 a cup of apple juice, 1 banana, 1 cup water & 1/2 cup ice. This little one loves it and don't even know what she's drinking. HAHA!

And that homemade fries is 2
big Idaho potatoes. I only made half. The other half I'm saving for next sunday. :)
The more you let it soak in cold water the more the starch goes out leaving you with hallow fries that is amazing!
Fast food fries has nothing compared to this.
This would have cost us $30 if we eat out. And that's not including the green juice which will probably replaced with either soda or soda. But by buying the bulk portion of chicken wings at walmart for $10 that usually have 12 pcs. of wings and only cooking 4 pieces. It can feed a family of 3 three times! :)
I hope you all learned something today. Happy Cooking Feebers! :)
P.S How are you liking the name Feebers? I appreciate the comments y'all! Keep them coming! Remember Be better Feebers! :)
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