A Christmas Party Story.
As many of you know, I'm a rebel and a black sheep. I do whatever I want and worry the crap out of my mother. Love ya ma! A little back story. Christmas is something I used to not celebrate. Because of the religious belief and all the poverty shenanigans etc. You're smart, you'll get it. It's a pet peeve of mine when people ask "why?" after just giving them the answer. And they follow up with why I don't hangout with them? I just SMH. I'm impatiently enjoying my toddler's why questions though but "I no like"(Spoken like a true authentic asian) making up stories to every question. Ex. ME: "Let me wash your butt" K:WHY? ME:"Because I said so."
Back to the story.
I love you mom and respect you. You are the reason why I am who I am today. But you are a "Kunsintidor-An Enabler."
Every year, Christmas Season-- which is September. HOLD ON A SECOND.
Let me explain to you why this holiday is a torture growing up? I have a neighbor that plays Christmas songs as soon as September 1st marks the calendar. They decorate with twinkly lights and have their christmas tree up and those annoying shiny cellophane streamers dangling on every corner of their house. And when I say neighbor, I mean --the entire country. It's a culture thing and that
probably explains why we are bat crazy happy people. I don't know anyone who celebrate Christmas for 4months. The anticipation, depression & corruption is felt in the air. It's crazy.
I beg my mother to let me go to my Elementary Christmas party every year. It's basically where you wear your Brand New Ukay-Ukay(Goodwill) clothes, buy a gift worth P20/50cents. Exchange gift to any anonymous member of the class which is and I quote - "A box of choclat. You'll never know what your gonna get." --Forrest Gump
She never says anything. I felt defeated but nevertheless not hopeless. The true spirit of Christmas is running in my veins. So, I saved money by lying to her about a project that never really existed. Bam! Christmas Gift money done! I told her that our last day before Christmas Vacation begins after the party. Worked like a charm. But never realizing that my mom was playing along with me. Because one, I am a horrible liar. And two, that she's my mother. It's never really that hard to figure out. Specially if she bought you an outfit to wear just accidentally the day before the event. -That's Unconditional love. You can cry. I'll let you.
The Smart Idea
Because I am a smart intellectual pre-teen. My thought process is unbelievably different. You know how it is! Don't tell me you are not stupid back then? Anyway, I thought that if I buy something heavy that it would be so cool. That element of surprise is what's exciting. I have P20 and back then a can of sardines is P10. I felt clever and utterly proud of what I did.
The Repercussion
At the party. We all placed our gifts on the table and one by one our teacher called our number to see what gift corresponds to it. We all got to open our gifts all at the same time. You'll hear a familiar sound of oohs and ahh and yay and little tiny voices saying, "You got mine! You got mine!" There are some of them that are disappointed with what they got. A toothpaste and a toothbrush. A bunch of Goodmorning Towel. A notebook and pen. You'll hear some unappreciative pre-teens shouting, "I don't like it. I want my gift back." then burst into crying and throw a pre-teen tantrum.
The Observationist
I was too distracted to say the least. Too busy opening what I got that I never really paid attention to whom got mine. As soon as I knew what I got(PictureFrame) I scanned and saw it. About to yell "You got mine!" I stopped myself when see the look on his face.(one of my classmate) He's pissed, ready to pick a fight look. But he was too embarass to show what he got that he never pulls it out until one of his buddy saw it and shouted; "YOU GOT SARDINES?HAHAHA!" Instantaneously, I knew exactly what to do. I never mentioned to anyone that it was me who gave that poor boy 2 cans of sardines. But I guess time heals all wounds. I wanna come clean. It was me. HAHAHAHAHA
Thursday, July 17, 2014
Thursday, June 19, 2014
Florida Vacation travelogue
Hi Blog.. It's been a good long time since I wrote anything here. Diary? We just got back from our annual vacation and the chosen state this year was FLORIDA. Technically we wanted to go to South Carolina but it didn't work out.
I love Florida. I am not going to elaborate on that now for it is all over my YT channel. Link here.
As the typical half(using it lightly) american family we chose to drive. Drove 26 long hours. Stopping only for gas and occasional wee-wee and a 15 minute slide to any fast food chain that offers it. See more of it below. Scroll to the very end. :)
We took the scenic route. I enjoyed seeing small towns and seeing the old america and the americana lifestyle that I am drawn to. It was quite surreal not to see any food chains in small towns only town Cafeterias. One of them is even named "Hornet's Nest Cafe"- It was intriguing but never ate there which I now regret. And during trips like this I tend to nap a lot and when I do, I regret it. There was a mennonite man driving his coach on the side of the road according to my husband and I missed it. I want to tell you guys about it for pity.
Enough Babbling and I'll just let this pictures tell you more.. :)
This is it for now and I hope you enjoyed it. Thank you for reading and if you didn't get it. I am bragging. lol We had a lot of fun. I can't wait for next year. All the Vacation video blog is on my YT channel. Click here: Florida Vacation Day 1 Florida Vacation Day 2
I love Florida. I am not going to elaborate on that now for it is all over my YT channel. Link here.
As the typical half(using it lightly) american family we chose to drive. Drove 26 long hours. Stopping only for gas and occasional wee-wee and a 15 minute slide to any fast food chain that offers it. See more of it below. Scroll to the very end. :)
We took the scenic route. I enjoyed seeing small towns and seeing the old america and the americana lifestyle that I am drawn to. It was quite surreal not to see any food chains in small towns only town Cafeterias. One of them is even named "Hornet's Nest Cafe"- It was intriguing but never ate there which I now regret. And during trips like this I tend to nap a lot and when I do, I regret it. There was a mennonite man driving his coach on the side of the road according to my husband and I missed it. I want to tell you guys about it for pity.
Enough Babbling and I'll just let this pictures tell you more.. :)
Mesmerize by these mickey collectibles |
Dinner and a movie at the AMC theatre |
A little afternoon picnic with the family at Steak and Shake somewhere in Ocala |
My loves stopping for snapshot from me. |
I like making fun of this guy. Every single time. |
My little shopaholic |
Don't mind my rolls. It's the cheesecake. |
required 10cents for the same wish. Thanks aunt sue! |
Someone is not impressed. |
A little mickey family shot never hurt anyone. |
Wednesday, March 5, 2014
Hey feebers! I am back! If you are here because you watch this video and want to know more about it then you've certainly come to the right place. :) If you haven't, then you can watch it here;
5. Painting- used 2 12oz Valspar white satin spray $3.98. And a highgloss spray sealer around $7.
This is the step by step guide and list of products leading up to restoring this $10 desk. I wish this really took only 3 minutes to make but NO... It took us 3 weekends and several evenings to finish this with other projects happening all at the same time. It was chaos. But for now let us focus on this one.
1. Disassemble- Just get a screw driver that would get the job done and be sure to put all tiny things in a bag coz you don't wanna lose them.
2. Stripping- used Tuff-Strip for 9.98 and $1 plastic paint scraper.
3. Sanding- got this Skil 2-Amp $29.97. I think it's the greatest thing he's ever done during the entire process. It made the work so much faster and I think it's a great investment. (I will review this sander if anyone is interested) Also got 3 different sand papers that is around $15 total. Grit-120-180-220. used on both the wood part and the metal part after priming. A lot left for future projects.
4. Priming/Staining- used Rust-Oleum StopsRust 12oz CleanMetal $3.76 for the metal part, stain Minwax 1Qt Oil Based Red Mahogany $6.48 , $3 brush and Minwax 1 qt Satin Fast Drying Polyurethane $10.77. All pretty much good for several more projects.
![]() |
Our little one sure is happy to get this for her birthday |
So the overall total is $100.94. And you may think its a lot but if you have all of this things laying around in your garage, I think it's a fairly decent project. And now that I pretty much don't need to buy all the things I need in the future. I get to save more on future projects.. :) So if you ever find a desk at goodwill don't hesitate and put all the love in restoring it for someone very special, You can't put a price tag on that. Just look at our 2 year old... Daddy really out did himself in this one... :) Thank you Hon.. :)
Sunday, January 5, 2014
Feeby's Grub - The Secret to my Homemade Chicken Wings and Fries.

Today I dared myself in the cold to get a snapshot of this beautiful winter wonderland. It's my second winter here in the US and so far I've only been out twice. HAHA! I froze my bums off but it's worth it. Stay warm feebers experiencing this cold today. And oh!, I am going to give you an ootd(outfit of the day) post but I save those for instagram. #OOTD follow me!

Tonight's dinner is some of my favorite dishes to make for my family. This obssession began after having my first buffalo chicken wings down south, located in the senior citizens bar where my in-laws used to take me for karaoke, I just had this longing to taste/ re-create that extra crispy/extra spicy wings!
I've tried hooters and buffalo wild wings to get my fix but it just wasn't cutting it. So, one day I told my husband, You know what? I can make that better. And I did!
So, What is the secret?! Simple. TRIPLE FRY.
- Liquid and oil don't mix so the 1st fry takes care of that. You'll notice it's a little soggy and don't crisp up much. Be extra careful picking those fries up for it might fall apart on you. A minimum of 3minutes and pull those up and wait five minutes. Pls. do not over crowd the pan.
- I call this the cooking stage. Fry a little longer until fries or chicken crisp up.
- Lastly, the extra mile. It crisp up the skin of the wings and the outer part of the fries even more for a crunchy crunch bite. You guess and pull them out precisely to your own liking. Be sure to soak oil up in paper towels! :)

Fried food isn't the ideal meal but I think in moderation and proper portion it's alright. I cooked 4 chicken legs and cut them into two. We both had 4 each and give the little one a bite here and there. It's a little spicy so we make sure to give her the inner parts of it.
And don't worry about us not having enough green on the table. I make a green juice consist of 1 cup spinach 1/2 a cup of apple juice, 1 banana, 1 cup water & 1/2 cup ice. This little one loves it and don't even know what she's drinking. HAHA!

And that homemade fries is 2
big Idaho potatoes. I only made half. The other half I'm saving for next sunday. :)
The more you let it soak in cold water the more the starch goes out leaving you with hallow fries that is amazing!
Fast food fries has nothing compared to this.
This would have cost us $30 if we eat out. And that's not including the green juice which will probably replaced with either soda or soda. But by buying the bulk portion of chicken wings at walmart for $10 that usually have 12 pcs. of wings and only cooking 4 pieces. It can feed a family of 3 three times! :)
I hope you all learned something today. Happy Cooking Feebers! :)
P.S How are you liking the name Feebers? I appreciate the comments y'all! Keep them coming! Remember Be better Feebers! :)
Saturday, January 4, 2014
Feeby's Grub - The Sandwich that is Tilapia! And I have a name for you!
Alright now readers of my blog or subscribers in my other networking sites who's reading this. I want to give you all a name. I can't keep calling you internet people because that's just not special enough. So I am calling you all "Feebers" Like Beliebers/1Directioners. We are going to be a community of oddities and a group of imperfect people trying to be better everyday. BAM! I just defined you. I feel superior now! Bwahahahaha!
Anyways, let's get this recipe out there. Be sure to Pin them on Pinterest and share it to other networking sites I will never sign up. I do believe this will make eating a whole lot better for the world. I'm serious.
Here's the Ingredients:
Frozen filet tilapia. -It's cheap and cost $10 for 15pcs. and individually wrapped. Thaw however many you need. Walmart has them in the tiny seafood fridge.
1 egg - whites only
1 egg - whites only
Garlic Powder
House Autry Medium hot breader
Olivari Mediterranean olive oil cooking/baking
1 chopped tomato
1/2 chopped onions
1/2 a cup chopped lettuce
Sweet Pickle relish
A little butter
1 chopped tomato
1/2 chopped onions
1/2 a cup chopped lettuce
Sweet Pickle relish
A little butter
- Thaw in warm water for 30mins.
- In a bowl add the egg white
- Coat with garlic powder then the breader
- Let it sit for 15 mins until breader is absorbed.
- Turn the stove on in medium heat and fry.
6. Combine lettuce, onion and tomato. Set aside
7. Use a Sub or Hoagie Rolls. Preheat oven to 400
8. Spread a little butter on each roll and toast for 5 mins.
9. Mix Sriracha, Mayo & Sweet pickle Relish.
And now just build your own sandwich! I like mine with a little more Sriracha and I added more Spinach. It's up to you.
I surely recommend this recipe. We pay around $40 everytime we go out and have the same food. But this recipe only cost $25 for 3 people. I still have 10pcs of tilapia to make other dishes with or make more sandwiches. I say that's a win win for my tummy and my pocket! :)I hope you all have a wonderful day! And let me know if you've tried it in the comments below!
For the sake of Throwback: Merry Christmas Vacation 2013
Here I am with another blog post. Yes, I am enjoying this A LOT.
My inner desires to be a writer is being filled tremendously. And when I tell you I dig this, I really really do. Just imagine me looking at you, wide eyes, convincing you that I really really like this that it's almost awkward and uncomfortable. :) lol
Instagram and #throwbackthursday is what inspired this post. I figured this is a much better way and I am right! :)
So, What happened to me in the last weeks of December of 2013? Let's say our Brand-New Company Car has about 5000 miles after all of this is over. We did a lot of driving.. So-so-so-so much fun.. -NOT! My husband is such a trooper for driving like a trucker hauling us all the way to Florida!
FLORIDA. My Home away from home. I left my heart and soul in Florida. It's the first taste of america I had. When they say you never forget your first time. I think that sums up how I feel about it. And it helps that my husband is a legit Floridian. When all the 'Southerners' in the neighboring states says, "There's no true southeners' in florida anymore" Yes, I am talking to you Trace Adkins. WELL you're wrong! Because my husband IS.
So we drove all day and all night and made pit stops to see family in several states. It was fun but very exhausting. McDonald's and I have never been closer. You can see more of me on Instagram just search feebysworld I think I have filmed quite a few pit stops on there.
And 2 long days later we made it to Florida! Our 1st stomping ground. Mom & Dad's house. Or the mansion that has so much food you will never get hungry. These are two youngster ages 72 and 80 that has about 4 refrigerators and food stashes in every cabinets(that is not even an exaggeration). I loved being able to just talk and eat all week. Just a good family bonding. But since I have a toddler that is 22months old. It was quite challenging for it is not a daycare. And all she could touch, she touched. And all she could carry, she carried. It was paranoia at it's finest.
The supposed last 2 weeks was cut short by my indecisive husband into a whopping 9 days. We arrived close to mid-night and my daughter had the shock of her life. Let's just say she has never been around big dogs that she was aware of. She does know what they are but hasn't quite figure out what they are. So she got herself comfortable and before you know it. This huge big dog is coming at her for a hi and boy oh boy the scream that she has let out has the combination of I am going to die and No one is helping me. It was Agonizing. That happened again over the course of the week with both dogs coming in each direction to say hi and a few more times. It wasn't a big deal. But we just woke up one day and there she was petting them with a huge smile on her face. Then the next morning started with him accidentally putting salt instead of sugar in our coffee. That was funny.
The remainder of our stay is not so exciting. Daughter had a terrible flu and on the third day we found out she has double ear infection on top of it. I wasn't feeling good myself. But as soon as we got the medicine we needed we felt like ourselves again! I will put the Christmas post soon either here or YT.
Stay tuned for the video summary of our vacation on YT. :)
My inner desires to be a writer is being filled tremendously. And when I tell you I dig this, I really really do. Just imagine me looking at you, wide eyes, convincing you that I really really like this that it's almost awkward and uncomfortable. :) lol
Instagram and #throwbackthursday is what inspired this post. I figured this is a much better way and I am right! :)
So, What happened to me in the last weeks of December of 2013? Let's say our Brand-New Company Car has about 5000 miles after all of this is over. We did a lot of driving.. So-so-so-so much fun.. -NOT! My husband is such a trooper for driving like a trucker hauling us all the way to Florida!

So we drove all day and all night and made pit stops to see family in several states. It was fun but very exhausting. McDonald's and I have never been closer. You can see more of me on Instagram just search feebysworld I think I have filmed quite a few pit stops on there.

Stay tuned for the video summary of our vacation on YT. :)
Friday, January 3, 2014
Happy Ugh New Year!
Well hello there people of the internet! I am venturing the territory of blogging this year. 2014! Oh my gosh! Can you even believe it?.
How did you celebrate the New Year?!
Mine went something like this.
My dear husband took this adorable picture of my daughter and I at a fancy Italian Restaurant called Olive Garden (Emphasis on the word fancy-smansi). My daughter is well trained at an early age to smile. Something this family must acquire in order to get love and affection. It's quite effective you see?
How did you celebrate the New Year?!
Mine went something like this.
My dear husband took this adorable picture of my daughter and I at a fancy Italian Restaurant called Olive Garden (Emphasis on the word fancy-smansi). My daughter is well trained at an early age to smile. Something this family must acquire in order to get love and affection. It's quite effective you see?
But before that, we went to bed bath and beyond (which I get mixed up with bath and body works for some odd reason. Has that ever happened to you?) I've been wanting a steamer for over 5 years now but it just never crossed my mind to asked for it on any special occasion that requires gift giving. But this year it made on the list and I got it! My husband initially got a rice cooker that has a steamer capability. He's so thoughtful to actually get me a very asian gift. Lol but in his defense I really do need a new one. Haha
To make the story short I returned it and made an even exchange and got exactly what I want! :) A dumpling recipe is coming your way bloggityworld.
And lastly, welcoming the new year with a kiss! Please give us a break with how casual we looked and disappointing that we are not covered with glitter and that there's no fireworks shooting in the background. We are recovering from a terrible flu and just got back from a long drive back home! Our things are still unpacked and we just barely hang on to ring in the new year. Thanks to Mario Lopez for bringing the spirit of New Year! Lol
For some reason I imagined Carrie Bradshaw running to be with Amanda and hearing that awful old lang syne playing. It was magical.
I have a ton I want to accomplish for 2014 but there's only a few I really want. Happiness, love & health for these 2 people. I know my world will turn upside down without them.
So what are your goals? Hopes? Things to do this year? tell me! Blog about it!
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